she's Crazy, she's Cool. She dominate this School!. wow college is nothing but the truth!im sure someone is on my boat. having the morning classes, the sad face
when you see the lunch menu and end up eating pizza everyday subsequently.living in co-ed dorms and TRYNNA look pretty in pj's,lmao.this experience is different for me. its not high school or UPWARD BOUND. your prolonged friends are you enemies and i am unable to make fashion statments while being late for class 8 in the mornin after after going to sleep 3 in the A.M. (ERRRRRR) freshmen seminars arethe worst and the prettiest boy on campus looks like your EX!,hahaha.Still wishing i had someone to talk to or texx 4 in the morning to make it all worth while,or a special dog i had since 4 to fill a void but fortunally my baby is in paradise. THE BOTH OF THEM. college is??? college is???? nothing i expect. classes are a handful, but i wuldnt give my schedule up for the world.Modelingn practice is nice, and the suite mates are the best!. 605b, we the top Models!. idk what im looking for per sayy, its just something missin and its damn sure aint them track parties. (them boys are nasty; I promise)Cold in the summa time on campus? {X} cleaning the room 5 min before inspection {X} and havin a party 1 st week on campus {X}....sumthing still missing???.... im bound to find out