"-Dont Slavishly ahdere Runway Trends, Orgainic your Own Mistaken Identity"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Spead Your Wings And Fly Away
I never though I seed The day that You Leff me. I remember Day One When I first got you at the age of 4 I shared my icecream wiff you in the car and you was my light of sunshine. I cried to you about my relationships and you would jus look at me and i knew point on that if i had you, whatever thing that would go wrong you would seek it out wiff me( Better than some fish!). I remember when i was little in school and we had to put the name of our bestfriend down on paper and I would Proudly put Deuce!. You was Jus like Me. Different!. Only dog wiff a purple tongue, and no other dog looked like you. i would be cursing everyone out when they talked about you saying negetive things because you wasnt the typical dog.You wasnt no regular dog you was my hommie, my roll dogg and you most definitly kept all my late night secrets,lls. I can careless how people reacted or what anyone thought of you because through thick and thin you was always there tapping across the kitchen table because your claws was always long.You even accepted another family member to our house hold when i brought Zeuce home . He had alot of more attention and liked to boss you around, but anywhow you was the only one that put a smile on my face and didnt have to say an
ything. You would always come meet me any time of the day when i got home at the door and now i dont what to say. the void that's in my heart and shows on my face when i see your red collar and leesh laying here and will never be used again, the way christmas will Comes around and i will have to erase your name off the list, and no one on the couch sleep when i come home . Boyyyyy! you dont know what you do to me and it kills me to know that you not in my world and will never bee again. 14 Years Strong!, you was like clifford the big red dog. I swear i would give anything to have you back and i pray that you remember me always. I know you did when me and my dad had you in the dog place the appt didnt allow dogs but i came to see you every week because you was my biscuit head!....I love you Deuce R.I.P my bisuit head doggie.