dayummmm! this weekend has been so depleteing and miserable. According to the law of attraction I brought that mess in my life. A misunderstanding between my closest frienns and "my use to bee boyfrienn" that i will never claim even if he was a alien and neededa wife and a greencard!,Plus his frienns the the fatt joints, the 26 year older that cooled it wiff 17 year olders and the one who works at iverson picking up trash as his job(wink-Wink) Sheeesh!, send me to rehab and call it a day!. The last straw was when Gerrell said i was fake(Todayy)and hes's real and for me to quote unquote " Halla Back". put me in a mini dress and in a doll house and im done!.(By the way i wrote him saying HI. I cant believe that someone wuld think that i am fake. I never kept all my feelings inside. I never been off and on wiff a person unless that was acting shady first!,i even kept it a FUCKING 100 in my post below. boys will bee boys and the attraction will be the attraction. So for now on i will relate to this secret, law of attraction thinie ma-Jiggy and keep it as "a affirmative action is 100 time powerful 1 billion negetive actions.". college and a beeday cumming up in August who to say i need to worry about a single male low minded human to think of me in such away.I AM INDEED APPLAUDED!. my frienns will stay true if they ever were. Coppin State University Here I come wiff The law of attraction!(p.s Dont now what the law of attraction is tune in on nik's Bloglisted below.
Nik's = http://blackblonde.blogspot.com/