"-Dont Slavishly ahdere Runway Trends, Orgainic your Own Mistaken Identity"
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
DALLAS -- A model on the November cover of Teen Vogue is a 19-year-old who reveals in the magazine that she is pregnant.
Jourdan Dunn is not visibly pregnant on the cover, and Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Amy Astley said the magazine didn't know about Dunn's pregnancy until after the photo shoot. But she said that editors didn't consider pulling the cover Dunn shares with fellow model Chanel Iman.
"Teen pregnancy is a difficult, real-life issue that Teen Vogue readers (with an average age of 18) are mature enough to be exposed to," Astley said in a statement. "Teen Vogue felt it was important to support, not punish, Jourdan Dunn, who contributed to a beautiful photo shoot and who will surely have an ongoing and successful career in fashion."
The cover has raised eyebrows among some parents, teens and advocates against teen pregnancy.
"There's no message to send to them that that's not OK. Maybe if she's on the cover to tell them 'Be careful,' that's one thing," said Catherine Essig, a 19-year-old sophomore at Dallas' Southern Methodist University, who was concerned about 15- and 16-year-old readers.
Many advocates said parents should use the cover as a way to talk to their kids about sex and the importance of planning pregnancies for the right moment in their lives.
"Teen parenting isn't glamorous, even if you are a teen model," said Valerie Huber, executive director of the National Abstinence Education Association.
A message left by The Associated Press at Dunn's New York City agency was not immediately returned. The London native told Teen Vogue that her unplanned pregnancy has been hard.
Jourdan Dunn is not visibly pregnant on the cover, and Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Amy Astley said the magazine didn't know about Dunn's pregnancy until after the photo shoot. But she said that editors didn't consider pulling the cover Dunn shares with fellow model Chanel Iman.
"Teen pregnancy is a difficult, real-life issue that Teen Vogue readers (with an average age of 18) are mature enough to be exposed to," Astley said in a statement. "Teen Vogue felt it was important to support, not punish, Jourdan Dunn, who contributed to a beautiful photo shoot and who will surely have an ongoing and successful career in fashion."
The cover has raised eyebrows among some parents, teens and advocates against teen pregnancy.
"There's no message to send to them that that's not OK. Maybe if she's on the cover to tell them 'Be careful,' that's one thing," said Catherine Essig, a 19-year-old sophomore at Dallas' Southern Methodist University, who was concerned about 15- and 16-year-old readers.
Many advocates said parents should use the cover as a way to talk to their kids about sex and the importance of planning pregnancies for the right moment in their lives.
"Teen parenting isn't glamorous, even if you are a teen model," said Valerie Huber, executive director of the National Abstinence Education Association.
A message left by The Associated Press at Dunn's New York City agency was not immediately returned. The London native told Teen Vogue that her unplanned pregnancy has been hard.

My mistake, YOUR error! my AP literature teacher would always say: even though she was a bit wierd BUT smart she would say this. I forgot what date this was but sometime last month , it still look bad without the stitches because my skin is peeled off(UGGGH),lol my first experience of cutting my finger almost off .first and last to bee exact!. this hurted so much. my handwritting is FOREVER mess up because i use this hand and this particular finger. it EXTRA SLOPPY( see how i said EXTRA).
i think it was what? six stitches. A billion hours in the emergence room frm 12- 4 in the morning. i cried my heart of jus looking at it. i was feeling the pain of getting stitches before she even started. I WAS A BIG SUCKA!. lol... my richie rich was like " AWWW BABIE",lol...by the way this is richie rich!.=======>

lol,my boo i guess. anyway it was kinda amazing because i watched it healed daily. my finger will neva be the same again too. pitcha someone on jackass hurting themselves on purpse and its kinda cool!,lol... i didnt dso it on purpose but afta the stitching i was like cool!... i wouldnt do it again but first time for everything. THE END. wanna see it now? ask me and you will still bee amazed( only if you was amazed by what i just said,lol
i think it was what? six stitches. A billion hours in the emergence room frm 12- 4 in the morning. i cried my heart of jus looking at it. i was feeling the pain of getting stitches before she even started. I WAS A BIG SUCKA!. lol... my richie rich was like " AWWW BABIE",lol...by the way this is richie rich!.=======>

omg, i will never support these ppl again( uless i need somethin fast and in a hurry! ) XXI.. these people policies are rediculous!. i tried to take some of my clothes back SIMPLY because i spend too myuch on my band card and relly i was had to file bankruptcy with my dad.they they NEW policy is that on the receipt, you can only get store credit within 21 days!. i was mad because the man told me that i can return within 21 days BUT didnt say i would only get store credit,. that crap was a Blower!... i spent $159.00 on sweat pants and long sleeve shirts and it wasnt worth it at all!. i am currently in financial debt. i had to borrow money frm my dad AND had to work with him on a SUNDAY in our family business that we have called DATABARN solutions.
( more info pleese let me know we fix computers, laptops, and provide and can equipped any texhnology needed or that is broken = )......
any way i was sooooo mad. that weeknd my grandmother gave me $100.00 which was spent to my tat and i had $300.00 frm my refund check. ALL BLOWN AWAY ON $%&* !!!!!..... i learned my lesson futurully but im still thinkin wtf was i thinkn. I blame it all on the trip to forever 21!
Monday, November 16, 2009
simply because of his Pros
well yes i am here. the one that walked into town,
you where looking straight and i made you turn around.
i was highly classified to be your new girl to be able to change your life,
i had shiny long hair and was all ready to be your wife!
i came smack at you like " where yu been all my life"??,
you respond " sometimes people walk past good things", im thinking because i was jus recently stabbed with a knife!.
yea, okay i was on my get bait status so i would texx you occasionally,
you would get mad , sad jump on your head when i didnt call or texx you faithfully.
so i got over my past relationships even though i never did to this day recover,
So the closer i got to you we was talkin and laughin., I EVEN MET YOUR MOTHER
the day you captured my heart and i began to committ was the day yu kissed me on my cheek,
you said call you when i got in so make sure i was safe after seeing "TAY NEW JOINT" and this made me like yu so deeper than the ocean, you snatched me off my feet!
i felt so alive again, so purified, so happy that i found you even when i gave up,
i was your girl and you was my dude, i knew the girls was goosin I DIDNT GIVE A FCUK,cause you where my luck.----
you where my ideal discription of a dude i could admire through thickness and thin
i started to picture me havin your lastname, a house, giving fate, me being hurt?? NEVER AGAIN
my x that stabbed my in the back came back into my life and i forgave our downfall. He was yet a MAJOR pro in my life and rest in peace to my star -----
he picked back up my heart again after this story fell apart
My dad met you, and sheesh i was shakin in my boots. He called you " the nappy head kid"
and hearing that from him i could tell he like you because the others he seem so disappointed
i remembered i was shy at time being around you ---
i would smile at everything you did and stare and you staring at the tv or taking of your socks,
its so crazy how i pitured so many things,HAA! to this day me being Mrs. Whitlock!
you was this certain book of numbers and answers and i was this magaine with letters and questions. ---
As we put one and two together we had different aspects and disagreements.
you wondered why i would but one and two together and you would put 1 and a question together,
we started to argue over the littlest things such as what you do today and what you later.---
i would skip class and stay up late nights on school nights to talk to him jus because of my bond,
i loved him so much and i dont think he knew so all i culd give him was hugs to have a sense of belong.
i would play games, yes i would i would get on his nerves because i like when he showed anger to show that he cared about me and the things that brings,
He would start to treat me bad when i didnt do nuffing wrong and especially over the little things.
you expressed your anger alot more than love and i couldnt do anyhthing about this up and coming of us,
why happend, dont do this!, please, No! what can change this dark side, i got to know I must!
you wanted to be stricting and wanted just what you wanted, and i was this openminded carefree butterfly,
i was baby this and hunny that, i remember to this day me sleeping the opposite way to you on the bed sleeping still shy.
you wanted to capture me in a box and wouldnt let me express my wings but you favored me coming over everynight yes because yu loved me,
guess who came each and everytime not that bitch name yani!
i STILL wanted you badly. you did some terrible things to me like kick me out when it was snowing, put me out of your arms, push me away and say some things that would only hurt the kind of person that i am, But guess what i STILL wanted you.the calling me anything,callin me a B, I would still skip school to see you and have the audacity to spend my last money to get on the train,----
it was cold, snowy, lonly and i was bymyself. yes i was bymyslef because i felt the pain.
i felt the pain when i woke up 5 in the morning to catch a train out montgomory frm PG. that's two differnt end point on two different lines,---
you werent home and nowhere to be found you phone off and what!that brought out vigurous cries!
i act like it didnt faze me, because it was way past an addiction now. i didnt want no end relationship, no more kifes in my back, no lifes up side downs.
Everything is okay, it will change, i know it will. he dont mean to do that, he just hiding his feelings micole
this person told me so many ideas that filled my head to think that he was my best solution,---
he feel off so many times But i love this guy. my mind had been wasted and was given pollution.
so it became a rollercoaster up and down and up and down. alot of cons and yes some pros,---
i payed attention to the pros so the cons was untechnically gone. so them came about these codes.
the cousin that was at the time talking to my so called cousin had him talkin in codes. they joked, laughed, and carryed on.he had a baby, moved on.living his life with his babymotha, im still here hands open,----
still mopping.
i dont know what happen to this day i suppose. My delusional ass still want him and im still paying attention to these pros.
mane my earth life wants him bad,badly, to the baddest simply because of his pros.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Im rather UnHuman I Must Say.
sometimes you may see me happy and im mad as hell, and sometimes you see me mad and im happy. whats understood dont got to bee explained, so im misunderstood should i explain?? people dont get " why her name is Micole" why cant it be Nicole. Well why she dont ever match and why her voice is do not normal. I heard why she has a mark on her face or how do she get along with everyone. They say things like why shes such a blonde and dont get things but she get good grades. Why do she have boy problems, is she self concious? for 9 months she gave Michelle pain, but now shes not even close to her. She wear hearts on her rings but dont seem to have one inside of her. Why she still have braces, why dont she like to be around others, why do she have 3rd persons perspective when we ask HER a question.Why is she quiet she you ask her a question or is there really a boy name polo she was really in a relationship??do she like boys and then when they get to close to her why do she want them to fall back?Them magazines that she make are for what:? Shes so skinny she dont even have no belly fat: THAT WHY SHE ALWAYS COLD!. lol, what( to everything she says). why would she take her glasses off when she didnt have no eyes where she come with these off ideas and questions that dont make sense?MY RESPONSE,they rather speculate before then really check : They never informate but always seem to just look at the pages before reading! thats wrong with these I WISH I COULD TELL YOU THE WAY I REALLY AM. iF I KNEW YOU WOULD KNOW; jUS KNOW THAT NORMAL PEOPLE RARLY MAKES HISTORYuneducated humans. i noticed you can be so close to me but yet so far from me. you could be my roomate and have no clue but yet lend opinions.hmmmmm with that being said :
The way i live nexx door to these people isnt the i live nexx door to these people. yu still dont understand?
Let me tell you you to bee specifc. someone may be the type to commit a fallacy or distribute a certain property because they want ABC or do it because people think of them as 123. I am the type to not think and do JUST to see the outcome of ABC, infer and to think how 234 person would do it too. `
, i DONT FAULT YOU, BUT F' U!. : no need to show a mad expression on ignorance, that makes it revernt.
VERA I HAVE YOUR WANG!. i love my grandmother Beatrice Henson, I am going to keep it straight like this; im in a state of transition, a well being for life and appreciation of my prettifulness. igive all respect to my grandma's for giving me life and a dedication of graditude to the both. im nothing without them.they worked harder then my mom and dad put together. Ms.Henson/Ms.Barnes made me who i am today. Micole Princess Henson-Barnes, Big Ups!.
Daphnie guniness: i can see me being her simply because she's hot.lol,In the mid-1980s, she lived in New York City with her sister Catherine Guinness, who was a companion of Andy Warhol. She married Spyros Niarchos, son of the Greek shipping billionaire Stavros Niarchos, in 1987 at the age of 19, but divorced in 1999 with a reported settlement of about 20 millions!!! ( woooowww) She
Guinness is prominent in the fashion world as a style icon, and journalist...
I was surprise to see her in these heels! i adore these heels and i would wear them to sleep in.The concept is to walk steady and fwd. I think that her as a 40 year older.
“Clothes don’t make a man, but clothes have got many a man a good job.”
- Herbert Harold Vreeland
July. I’m in Maui on a shoot with David LaChapelle. We’ve been shooting for 10 days straight. Sometimes twenty hour shoots in a day, from the deepest jungle to the volcanic cliffs, moving sets and equipment constantly. Working directly with the elements, the downpours, changing height and distances and moving the equipment has all been a challenge. The results are completely remarkable.
Guinness is prominent in the fashion world as a style icon, and journalist...
I was surprise to see her in these heels! i adore these heels and i would wear them to sleep in.The concept is to walk steady and fwd. I think that her as a 40 year older.
“Clothes don’t make a man, but clothes have got many a man a good job.”
- Herbert Harold Vreeland
July. I’m in Maui on a shoot with David LaChapelle. We’ve been shooting for 10 days straight. Sometimes twenty hour shoots in a day, from the deepest jungle to the volcanic cliffs, moving sets and equipment constantly. Working directly with the elements, the downpours, changing height and distances and moving the equipment has all been a challenge. The results are completely remarkable.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Causignac Marion
This is where my my visions come from and my expectations to be able to dress on a whole different level. I preserve the million dollar shirts for the billion dollar freaks but i am aware of special designs that are more ideal to my buget as a college student. I care more about my facial features than pricefull measures.
The Things You Say and The lessons You Learn

it started off when we met. Nothing kept us apart. Whenever i got in trouble my mom would always call her or knew she had something to do with it or when she would come up missing her dad would always hit me because i was never a good lier. I couldnt see me with out you Bae. so glad that we found each other; Im so happppyy babbbbyyy... it amazing how yu knock me off my feet. you know what makes me cry jus to be able to make me smile. Even though we act terrible to each other with the name callin and hitting and fighing and joaning, it all out of love and its how me show support for one another. learning that you dont need all teh friends in the world isnt nothing without them being there for you.i leaned that in so many ways the hard way was first, at the end you was last to stand shaking your head but didnt had to say anything because i remember to this day that if you not there, there are little who would bee.

longest, the strongest, the dearest, the crazziest, the most that can speak for me if i was deaf to see for me if i was blind or walk for me if i was disabled , it would bee you.
I love you Bianca.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Exuse me Dearly, iDdoneLostMy Mind
im a sooo sooo sorry. srry srry srry!!!!! i never mentioned how i left my two idealest inspirartors of all time. i know i probably mentioned kesh kumari and Raquel Reed, BUT i forgot my infamous kelis and remy- Ma!.... theyy all connect besides knowing each other, i rememble myself by them. Remy Ma most def has my savage side. im a fuckin lady but yu could Neva Play Me! vand kelis relationship, style, image, is witthin me. If you know me everyone knows how i had kesh kumari hair,lol... and i did look like her. WELLLL since she has a haircut now and i do too we look alike still but yu can tell the difference frm noses. Raquel Reed and Kesh mind concept on fashion attire is the same as mines like mines. kesh room was once like mines before i moved to college because the room was lookin like a closet and raquel reel clost looks like a clown threw up in it, and guess what!!,lol...im guessing yu gettin the pic and SO what it may sound clingy!, you have to start frm somewere and why not remembe the best of the F' in Best.

This Years Hairstyle, " The shockwave". When i settle down i will bee getting this rite here. My style isnt really neat anyway, i usually use to wear my ponytails wild before my hairciut anyway. This is the newest fashionist style, given to you by me, cited by t.vogue.
My newest fav haircut : the hottest froom under the sun, frm me to yu simply from a fashion Junkie : cited T.Vogue
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
this came to mind randomously!. pretty much all my ideas are so this is my most prized stuff that i want to give away since it came to mind. ( you dont let good ideas slip away).
- i would like to give all my fashion aspects to (quaneisha goodwin)neenee " MY

BESTFRIEND" well the ones that she want; which is probablyy all. even though tonika is my fashion partner she has more stuff than me and she dont even want all her stuff!.PS share wiff Woosa = )....i want my bestfriends to stay together forever. to not let any nonsence or even big issues to disjoint one another My bestfriends Neenee and David.
- to David Davis i want you to have the page from my magazine that talks about you. i could never have another bestfriend as you or neenee and that from the heart. since those words are from the heart take it as you having a piece of my heart. ( neenee gets her page to!)... read one of your songs for me. it always made me blush = )
- i want eric banken to have our red book that we wrote in together because all of our memories are in there and a letter of my appreciation is to him.

- to my loving sister ( Bianca Jones) i want you to have all my magazines that i made and i want you to keep them for me. all my thoughts, actions, dreams, and memories are within those books. the letters that i wrote to certain people give it to them. otherwise they wouldnt had got them from me!,lol.... also my diary(burn them; I know you would read them first,lol)
- to my main family( mikey, maurice, mommy, daddy, grandma, and zeuce) i would like them to have smiles!. not one tear of sorrow.) if i was to die young and am hoping my fingers to not to. the most thing i can think of is burry me nexx to my favored boyfriend and dressed in pretty pink.I would like that. not no traditional ceremony either. i dont want not one person crying, or mad with grief. i want the biggest celebration Ever!
- to my fashion partner tonika. It maybe hard but i want tonika to read a poem for me. i like the inner thinkings of her. one of a kind.

i know know where to go with this or what part of time this will be done but to ensure that my dogg will get taken care of i would want my brothers to take care of zeuce if my daddy was to be sent away to. I know my mom would want it but i would feel comfortable wiff him around some men so he can become one. ( I baby him up alot).
- to myMom, GrandMa, and daddy! i really dont know what to give that can be worth my touch and voice everymorning, and i know i dont have any money to inherit from my pockets but i can say this!. i tried my best as Micole Barnes and i hope that i made you proud because i was a proud person to have all of you as parents. If what they say is true about when i go to heaven as a angel i will be looking over everyone. I will bee visualizing the most strongest family ever.
love to all the rest of my family. i love you as well. my grandma on my fathers side, my cousins, aunts, uncles, and everyone who shapened me.
- to phs and ejhs, everyone good and bad that where in a cloud in my life. i wannt to thank them. the good one made a smile and the bad ones made me strnger. the friends that didnt end up at the finsh line with me as a friend or close one; i can say this if i was really close to you and at the end we wasnt friends you pierced a crack on my heart because let me tell show yu this. I think i am a very generous person because the simple fact i take shit and i put up with alot of things. i bless your heart and getting my attention in the first place, it was some type of intrest there in my eyes so its probably there somewhere inside. I hope you find it. I love teh very few as well.
to everyone else that i didnt write on , its probably in my magazines because i talks about everybody!(not badd either!). my trust my sister out of anyone because she is the most person that understands me as a whole
uhhummm [clearing my throat]
- i would like to give all my fashion aspects to (quaneisha goodwin)neenee " MY

BESTFRIEND" well the ones that she want; which is probablyy all. even though tonika is my fashion partner she has more stuff than me and she dont even want all her stuff!.PS share wiff Woosa = )....i want my bestfriends to stay together forever. to not let any nonsence or even big issues to disjoint one another My bestfriends Neenee and David.
- to David Davis i want you to have the page from my magazine that talks about you. i could never have another bestfriend as you or neenee and that from the heart. since those words are from the heart take it as you having a piece of my heart. ( neenee gets her page to!)... read one of your songs for me. it always made me blush = )
- i want eric banken to have our red book that we wrote in together because all of our memories are in there and a letter of my appreciation is to him.

- to my loving sister ( Bianca Jones) i want you to have all my magazines that i made and i want you to keep them for me. all my thoughts, actions, dreams, and memories are within those books. the letters that i wrote to certain people give it to them. otherwise they wouldnt had got them from me!,lol.... also my diary(burn them; I know you would read them first,lol)
- to my main family( mikey, maurice, mommy, daddy, grandma, and zeuce) i would like them to have smiles!. not one tear of sorrow.) if i was to die young and am hoping my fingers to not to. the most thing i can think of is burry me nexx to my favored boyfriend and dressed in pretty pink.I would like that. not no traditional ceremony either. i dont want not one person crying, or mad with grief. i want the biggest celebration Ever!
- to my fashion partner tonika. It maybe hard but i want tonika to read a poem for me. i like the inner thinkings of her. one of a kind.

i know know where to go with this or what part of time this will be done but to ensure that my dogg will get taken care of i would want my brothers to take care of zeuce if my daddy was to be sent away to. I know my mom would want it but i would feel comfortable wiff him around some men so he can become one. ( I baby him up alot).
- to myMom, GrandMa, and daddy! i really dont know what to give that can be worth my touch and voice everymorning, and i know i dont have any money to inherit from my pockets but i can say this!. i tried my best as Micole Barnes and i hope that i made you proud because i was a proud person to have all of you as parents. If what they say is true about when i go to heaven as a angel i will be looking over everyone. I will bee visualizing the most strongest family ever.
love to all the rest of my family. i love you as well. my grandma on my fathers side, my cousins, aunts, uncles, and everyone who shapened me.
- to phs and ejhs, everyone good and bad that where in a cloud in my life. i wannt to thank them. the good one made a smile and the bad ones made me strnger. the friends that didnt end up at the finsh line with me as a friend or close one; i can say this if i was really close to you and at the end we wasnt friends you pierced a crack on my heart because let me tell show yu this. I think i am a very generous person because the simple fact i take shit and i put up with alot of things. i bless your heart and getting my attention in the first place, it was some type of intrest there in my eyes so its probably there somewhere inside. I hope you find it. I love teh very few as well.
to everyone else that i didnt write on , its probably in my magazines because i talks about everybody!(not badd either!). my trust my sister out of anyone because she is the most person that understands me as a whole
the thrifty me in dDisguise!!

REAlly!, i get it from my daddy. he have his own mini business of technology solutions; DataBarn to be exact and he works at howard university also. my dad is my biggest image of real as it gets. he has done did everything and this is me guessing but knowing at the same time. 1. had me and didnt even like my mommy; took care of his responsibility and my moms to 2 .No college education; but knows just as much and his financial income is more that a college graduate by his experience to life 3. use to wash cars and be homeless in his young years 4. all of the above. MY DADDY!. the best that did it, and the best that ever will got dammit! anywho talking about him brings about my idea of thriftiness. i had everything i ever wanted being my daddy little angel ( and only child) i had a doggy at the age of 4 who was my bff and my favorite student playing teacher in my room. with a snap of my fingers i had it in my hand. spoiled little me i suppose. but as i grew older i realized my daddy business was so well organized and well planned out because the the biggest secret known to madkind THRIFTiNESS.
i betcha if you ask any wealthy person how they start out and if they was inherited by money, someway down the road its because they was thrifty.This came to mind while my dad would go to thrift stores to find chargers for laptops or laptop bags or something beneficail to his business,Boyy did he get $$$$ for jus paying cents out his pocket at yardsells or bagain shopping.I turned his example from his business into a fashion statement. Im sure im not the only one but i am the ostentatious one! you would think i shop at the malls and expensive stores ghetto girls waste their moms ebt cards on like susan fashion, or such. nope NOT ME!. the true fashion is within and i betcha if you look to your left and right look deep in the cracks you will find the most galmorous carnigans, the eccenticest jewelry and the hossest earings!. going to the markets and underground chinese outlets will give you all the discounts, dont get me wrong you cant shop for your undies and sockies there but i guarentee you wiff you look, search, hunt or whatnot i bet your bottom dollar yu could even find m. Jacobs or Chanel.whoo loawd,CHECK MATE!

i betcha if you ask any wealthy person how they start out and if they was inherited by money, someway down the road its because they was thrifty.This came to mind while my dad would go to thrift stores to find chargers for laptops or laptop bags or something beneficail to his business,Boyy did he get $$$$ for jus paying cents out his pocket at yardsells or bagain shopping.I turned his example from his business into a fashion statement. Im sure im not the only one but i am the ostentatious one! you would think i shop at the malls and expensive stores ghetto girls waste their moms ebt cards on like susan fashion, or such. nope NOT ME!. the true fashion is within and i betcha if you look to your left and right look deep in the cracks you will find the most galmorous carnigans, the eccenticest jewelry and the hossest earings!. going to the markets and underground chinese outlets will give you all the discounts, dont get me wrong you cant shop for your undies and sockies there but i guarentee you wiff you look, search, hunt or whatnot i bet your bottom dollar yu could even find m. Jacobs or Chanel.whoo loawd,CHECK MATE!
Cant Help to Wonder

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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